Commentaires sur : Des pingouins à Melbourne ! (fév.-mars 2012) de passage chez les kangourous Sat, 22 Apr 2017 19:07:23 +0000 hourly 1 Par : a, Wed, 21 Mar 2012 08:10:23 +0000 so i cant read that email but im sure it includes that you were sitting one day on top of the australian paliment house chatting to your friend when the subject of penguins in australia. and how you ardently refused to believe that this was not a fantacy, but you were wrong!!!!!!!!! and any one who reads this and doesnt beleive that people can sit on top of the parliament building can be asured that it is true in knowing that i am also the one who told of the penguins that day and so i am not a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
